Thursday 20 May 2010


For this part of the Pre-Production tasks we will basically be scouting for Locations to shoot the movie that fit in with the genre of the movie and create a good mise-en-scene.

Initial Ideas on Locations

  • For the first scene we will need somewhere to film the man walking so maybe a woodland area as this would fit in with the Feeling of isolation.
  • For the second scene we need to shoot inside of a house so maybe my house or Alex's
Confirmed Settings for Filming
Location for Scene 1 - We have decided to use the moors as the setting for the first scene because it fits in with the isolation theme of Horror movies due to it being so spacious with many secluded areas where incidents like these could happen and have happened taking into account the incident of the ilkley moor attacker who attacked a woman whilst she was walking her dog.
There has also been an account of an alien sighting on ilkley moor as well but whether you believe this is entirely up to you.

There is many semi abandoned houses scattered around the moor which we can use for the house that the main protagonist goes to investigate and the way its abandoned again fits in with this theme of isolation we are using throughout.

Location for Scene 2 - For the second scene we need to use the inside of a house and Alex has kindly volunteered his. He has a very spacious kitchen which is perfect as the majority of the shots will be taken in here, so lots of maneuverability room available. His sink is also perfectly aligned for the shot we plan to use to reveal the girl who has been tied up.

One problem with his house though is that it has lots of windows and only blinds covering them which does not cover 100% of the light but also when it gets dark the lighting is not very bright so we may need to bring in extra lighting to make sure we can see facial expressions and the items on the counter.

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